Monday 8 March 2010

Oh nouns, oh nouns ... where can you be?

Dearest Nouns,

I fear your visits to my ears are becoming few and far between. 'Twas once a time when those party conversations were graced with your presence, but I'm afraid I've missed you at the last couple of large social gatherings.
Take Saturday night, for example, at my nephew's birthday. The following Clauses came along, naturally and willingly, as they always do:

"... rather than ..."
"... yes, but ..."
"... that's what I ..."
"... can't go ..."
"... if you like you can ..."

But they have a rather impolite manner of showing up empty-handed, you see. Nouns on the other hand? Well, you never fail to bring me some Context. (It's very appreciated.)

But the only Noun that turned up on Saturday night was, well:

"... plate ..."

(And, to be honest Plate, the speaker had to point to you for my ears to even notice your presence.)

And how about Sunday night, at my sister's house? After three hours of group conversation, the only Nouns that had made themselves known were:

"... lemon twist ..."
"... cake ..."
"... biscuits..."

Well, I shall be polite and applaud the appearance of you last three, at least. It's always especially nice to hear from the Nouns who take special care of my appetite, thank you. (*winks*)

But the rest of you? I know you were there, don't say that you weren't. I'd hoped you'd make yourselves known to my ears, but I guess you all became far too preoccupied with the other guests: Background Television, Clanging Cutlery, Scraping Chairs and Raucous Laughter.

(I suspect some were even hiding behind a Heavy Moustache.)

Now I don't have any other social gatherings coming up in the immediate future. I'm now in hibernation, you see, so I don't catch any nasty colds before my surgery. But let it be known that there will be many social gatherings to come, post switch-on. And I will tell you right now that my bionic ears and I will be seeking you out, Nouns. Hide away, if you dare, but we will find you.

Enjoy the anonymity while you can. We're coming for you. And we'll gladly accept all the Context we find, too.

Sincerely yours,

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