Thursday 24 June 2010

Enjoying orchestra

In the early days of CI activation, I remember hearing a radio stunt asking listeners to call in and sing the tune of the most annoying song of all time.

We got the ‘Super Mario Brothers’ theme song. (It is in my head as I type this.)

We got ‘This is the song that never ends’.

We got '500 Miles' by The Proclaimers.

But I fail to understand how we didn’t get … (drumroll) … the VB (Victoria Bitter) music. Groan.

OK, it might have more to do with the fact that this beer has the least class of all Australian beers so the song also has a certain stigma attached. But it’s also the song, OK? It’s the song. It’s just an annoying little piece of music that won’t get out of my head.

This is because Jase started whistling it ever since we bought tickets to see a performance by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.

Apparently connecting a beer commercial (*shudders*) with the dignified Melbourne Symphony Orchestra was perfectly acceptable because 1) they were going to be performing ‘sporting scores’ and the VB music features heavily during cricket season so they Just Might Play It and, 2) because the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra were responsible for producing a (pretty clever, I’ll admit) version of this song played with no other instruments than the beer bottles themselves. (You can view it here:

The little melody was annoying all right. But I was so thrilled that Jase agreed to come and listen to the orchestra in the first place that I decided against threatening to mute him if he continued to whistle it. Besides, I could block it out with the Super Mario theme in the meantime. :-)

Friday 18 June 2010

Pod People

Just so you know, I can't sew to save myself.

My stitches are crooked. I sew snags into all my fabrics. And ten thimbles couldn't stop me accidentally pricking a finger with the sewing needle.
It must have been deeply disappointing for my mum, who had a talent for dressmaking and design, but I just get no enjoyment from sewing whatsoever.

Which is why I find it so very entertaining that, as of today, my new best friend is a 'quick-unpick'.

My bionic friends who use iPods or MP3 players ... do you know what I'm talking about?

That's right.

It's not for a sewing emergency. Not to undo the latest sewing damage I've inflicted on my clothes.

It's to help me plug my audio cable into the sound processors.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Conquering the work phone

OK, I’ve been really lucky in being able to use the telephone again, I know, but part of my success is from being in a position where I can pick which phone I use.

The landline at home is great. It has a volume switch that can be boosted up quite a bit, and also has a telecoil.

The cordless at home is not so good. No telecoil, and voices sound really muffled. (Cordless phones in general are tricky, I think. If the person on the other end is using a cordless, their voices sound really distant.)

The mobile phone is brilliant. It’s an iPhone – doesn’t have a telecoil but is so unbelievably clear. I even prefer it over the landline.

That leaves one other phone in my life …

The work phone.

Friday 4 June 2010


Introducing another metallic surface for my CI magnet to play with:

The kitchen sink.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Being a fridge magnet

Have I tried sticking things to my head yet?

Of course.

Those little magnets that came with the Doodle sketcher. They were the first to go on. (They fell off.)

Why not have a little fun, eh?

(Jase, if you are reading this, that does not mean I’ve warmed to the idea of you sticking a bottle opener on my head. Sorry. )