Monday 25 October 2010

What being pregnant 'sounds like' so far

Just thought I’d share with you the 10 most common sounds I’m hearing during the pregnancy so far, in no particular order. (And the morning sickness sounds aren’t frequent enough to make it to this list, thank goodness.)

Monday 18 October 2010

Why did I do it?

‘A cochlear implant?’, I thought to myself. ‘A piece of metal drilled into my skull? Electrodes in the inner ear? And an eternal reliance on a piece of computer hardware never sending me back into the depths of oblivion like Algernon and Charlie? I don’t think so.’

Some people think the decision to get a cochlear implant is a simple one. To hear or not to hear, right? For me, and probably most others, it was a roller coaster of emotions. I had ‘yes days’, when I was all for the surgery, and ‘no days’ when I was dead against it.

Monday 4 October 2010

Music updates … and other activities

Can you believe it’s October already? My cochlear implants have been activated for six months now, and life is so amazing. Better than it was before because I’ve had the chance to meet so many wonderful people, and explore things I’d never be able to otherwise.