Tuesday 11 January 2011

CI moment # 114257

I vacuum the entrance hallway while Jase stands in the adjoining dining room.

Me (turning off the vacuum cleaner and facing Jase): could you please do me a favour?

Jase (cheeky grin): maybe

Me (poking tongue out): could you please bring me the mop?

Jase (disappearing towards the laundry already): sure

I turn around again, switch the vacuum cleaner back on, and continue.

Jase (from the next room, behind me): this one?

(We have two types of mops. Don’t ask.)
I swing around and face him, still vacuuming.

Me: yep, thanks.

Picture light bulb switching on inside my head when I realise what just happened. Did I imagine it? I'd better make sure it really happened, so I switch off the vacuum cleaner.

Me: wait! You just said ‘this one’ right?

Jase: yeah …?

Daniela (grinning): and I heard you?? With my back turned? Over the sound of the vacuum cleaner?

Jase (grinning now too): yup

Daniela: cool!

I’m lucky to be able to have many conversations with Jase without having to face him. Sometimes when we’re in the same room, sometimes when we’re calling out from different rooms. But it does have to be relatively quiet for us to do this successfully. Never have I been able to understand him with my back turned while vacuuming!

It’s so nice to be on a path of hearing improvement instead of hearing deterioration!  


  1. OK This was really cool, but you were doing the vaccumming I hope Jase did the mopping!!!!!


  2. Sure ... if by 'mopping' you mean dragging the mop along the floor until he handed it to me? ;-)

  3. What a great and unexpected surprise... congrats!!! You can always ask my wife for tips on putting your hubby to work, lol :P

    (I´m Mandy´s husband, Catalina´s father, she wrote on your mom to be post)
