Monday 15 November 2010

My new favourite sound

OK, people keep asking me … yep, I’ve heard the baby’s heartbeat now! A sweet little sound that I’ve burned into the memory but can’t wait to hear again.

The obstetrician had just shown us the baby on the ultrasound. Jase, my sister and me had all clearly seen the gender (it’s a boy, by the way!), so there were happy smiles all round and we were all making jokes and laughing. Then, the doctor flicked that magical switch.

Oooh. There was sudden silence as we all listened to it. I did shed a tear … it ran all the way to the back of my neck, but I was too fixated on the sound to bother wiping it away. (I was pretty proud of myself for only a shedding a tiny little tear actually … thought there might have been heavier waterworks!) 

My smile turned to a frown when the doctor switched it off. Hey!!! I could have listened to that sound all day.

Sound defines your place in the world. It lets you know exactly where you are. When I was deaf, I hated the loss of environmental sounds. It made my world sound so empty. I especially hated not being able to hear my footsteps when I walked. Sound provides reassurance. Comfort.

And there’s nothing more comforting to this mum-to-be than to hear the heartbeat of her unborn baby.

Next 'comfort sound' I'll be looking for ... the sound of the baby crying as soon as it's delivered. Going to be waiting a while for that one though. :-)


  1. I cant wait to hear the sound of a newborn again as well!
    X Maria.

  2. I know this post is old, but I can not help commenting here. The first cry from your baby will be the sweetest sound you have ever heard. After a few month you will want to gag him, but that first time is amazing, the first cry, the first look, the firt time he grab your finger... amazing memories to come.

    When is your due date?

  3. So many firsts, aren't there?! And I'm loving all of them1 Even his crying doesn't bother me - but then again, I have a volume switch!!
