Monday 25 October 2010

What being pregnant 'sounds like' so far

Just thought I’d share with you the 10 most common sounds I’m hearing during the pregnancy so far, in no particular order. (And the morning sickness sounds aren’t frequent enough to make it to this list, thank goodness.)

1. The happy shrieks when you announce the news.

2. The quiet, gentle voice of my obstetrician casually explaining things like the birth plan … how nice to be able to hear him. (Not so long ago I would have needed him to shout the embarrassing details for me … and for everybody in the waiting room down the hall.)

3. The swiping sound the credit card makes at the checkout. More renovation materials. More baby stuff. (I'm getting a little nervous about the frequency of that sound.)

4. The hum of the engine as Jase starts the car for an urgent supermarket run for … ‘what is it this time, dear? Licorice? Chilli dip? Caramel? All three?’

5. The ‘snap, crackle and pop’ of my 11 pm rice bubble cravings.

6. The rumbling sound of my stomach … again.

7. The ‘munch, munch, munching’ of cashews at 3 am. (Jase gets to wake up to this sound and hear it too.)

8. The swishing sound of the paint roller as the nursery gets a fresh, new look.

9. The thud, thud, thudding sound of new floor being put down.

10. The occasional cursing (‘#%&@!’) of Jase having misplaced a tool. On his thumb.


  1. Love it!!! X Maria

  2. There were definitely happy shrieks in the office when we read your last post! I will admit I shrieked. :)

  3. Ha ha, thanks Maria!

    And Joy, I'm sorry I didn't get to hear the happy shrieks in the office ... though I did get told about them! :-)

  4. Congratulations - I'm so happy for you both!
